Saturday, February 27, 2016

DECISIONS // #SoulSaturday

When you think you can do more
Just open your eyes and let your dreams soar
Let them come alive
And show you what is true
That no matter what anyone says to you
You are you
And they are they
So no matter what they choose to say
There is no one except for you
Who has to live with the decisions you choose.

By Jaime D. Davidson

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Thursday, February 25, 2016


           HEY GUYS!! Welcome back to my blog, thank you so much for stopping by. My original blog The ROJO Effect faced some technical difficulties that were simply beyond repair, so I figured why not make a new blog? Let's face it, blogging is a lot of maintenance in itself, but if it's something you're passionate about, then why should you stop? I always have something on my mind that I have to share,
and I particularly don't care who is listening (or in this case, reading).
         Words of the Not-So-Wise will basically have the same content as The ROJO Effect, just under a new name which I feel is not conflicting towards the fact that I may have more contributing writers. Who knows what will happen, am I right ladies and gentlemen?
         I have been DYING to get my blog back up and running, because I have had somethings on my mind that I have wanted to share with anyone willing to take the time to read what I write. Which, by the way, if you are one of those that takes the time out of their day to read what I write then YOU RAWK. The support I have received just from starting this blog has been so overwhelming and humbling. I am blessed to have a great support system backing me. You are incredible.
        I hope you stay tuned to the next piece coming NEXT week. Enter your e-mail in the top left-hand corner where it says SUBSCRIBE and you'll never miss a piece again. As always, do you.

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