Friday, March 25, 2016

POETRY: Twirls and Whirls

The fog sets in
And it never ends

It engulfs the world 
All while the earth twirls

The air feels heavy
As if you're breathing in envy

The fog sets in
And it never ends


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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Bridge Street Town Centre, Huntsville // #TravelTuesday

(Photo via Google images)
(Photo via Google images)
(Photo via Google images)

     Over the weekend, I grabbed a couple of my closest friends and we painted the town red -- Huntsville, that is. The specific destination? Bridge Street Town Centre. Bridge Street is decent size, outdoor shopping mall in Huntsville. Destiny took me and our friend Jessica with her so she didn't have to do retail therapy on her own - I mean, let's get real, retail therapy is no fun when you're doing it alone, am I right, ladies??? While Destiny hits up Sephora and Buckle, Jessica and I hit up Bar Louie. We only got a martini for each of us, but my heavens, the only thing that wasn't alcoholic in mine was the olive they used as a garnish. So, you could imagine, I was feeling some type of way. After we finished our drinks, we met up with a very annoyed Destiny and helped her retail therapy in shops such as Altar'd State and H&M. We topped off our night with dinner at the fabulous Cantina Laredo - which was a first time for all of us, and we were all very satisfied and impressed with how authentic it was. If you are travelling and have Huntsville, AL on your list of places to hit up, definitely put Bridge Street Town Centre on your itinerary of stops. Happy travelling and have a SAFE Spring Break everyone!

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