Monday, April 25, 2016


It could just be my roots, but I believe in the consideration of people feelings.  I could disagree with someone 100% but never want to put them down for what they believe.  I would never want to hurt someone's feelings because I have RESPECT for others.  When you fire shots at someone for ANY reason, have you walked their shoes? What if the person you are putting down feels like they have lost everything? What if they have to force themselves out of bed each morning and cannot even take a shower that day because they are feeling so down?  Why is it that everyone can state their opinion, but some feel like they have to make it personal if it differs from their own?  Hateful comments will NEVER change someone's opinion.  If you speak with love you are more likely to be heard.  Even if someone still refuses to see how you feel about anything, at least respect them.  We are all raised different, walk different paths, and wake up in different circumstances.  If you really believe everyone should conform to one idea, you are very misled.  The hate for one another over different opinions just separates the world more.  You want a United America? We will never be 100% united but we can have respect and love for one another and make it a better place to live.
-Jess 💜


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