Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Auburn, AL // #TravelTuesday

           I believe travel and laughter are the best medicine, so I gathered a couple of my friends and we piled up in the car and headed to Auburn, AL. We initially went to tour the campus of Auburn University (which is amazing, by the way), and we got touristy and checked out the area. We, naturally, checked out Toomer's Drugs famous lemonade, and I'm not even a big fan of lemonade but this was literally the best! I fell in love with how a town can be small, yet big at the same time. Everyone in the area had a good outlook and sent positive vibes, and to me, that's important. It tells you a lot about a college town. 
         Even if you're not an Auburn fan, I encourage you to check out the city of Auburn at least once. It was a really nice trip, and my Road Trip Squad are already planning on heading back fairly soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Great read! Maybe one day I'll be able to experience the beauty of Auburn myself
