Friday, March 18, 2016

FamILY and Hypocrites // #FRF

   Everyone has seen the picture that has gone viral on social media lately of the grandpa who cooked for six of his grandkids and only one showed up.
(Source: Twitter)
           Caption: dinner with papaw tonight...❤️ he made 12 burgers for all six grandkids and I'm the only one who showed....😭 love him

    Everyone felt sad for the grandpa because his other grandchildren seemed not to care, or that other things were more important. It is heart wrenching! How many of us saw that post and wanted to cry? 🙋🏼
    But how many of us can honestly saw we have never been guilty of the same thing, whether it be parents, kids, or other loved ones? 🙍🏼
   We are so narcissistic that we fail to realize what our actions will do to the ones we love. When they are called home, we are left with regret. Yet, when we see posts like this grandpa, we are filled with disgust, and we ponder how someone could take their loved one for granted like that. 
    LOOK IN THE MIRROR. No one will ever love you as much as your family. No matter what your family does that upsets you, the time lost is never worth it. Make God happy with the love in your heart and make yourself a better person with no regrets or hatred. 
   Most of all, MAKE TIME. Never leave them hanging with a hurt heart. 



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