Monday, March 28, 2016


I am the worst person to fall for click bait on the internet.  If it's interesting in any way, I'm going to read it. 

So the other day, I'm scrolling through the net and I see this

 (Source: MTV)

And I regrettably read it. 

I'm going to summarize this story that gave Blotty 15 minutes of fame for all the wrong reasons.

Basically, she goes to some guys house she met at the super market.  Then she realizes that she has to poo.  She goes to the bathroom and does so, only to find out the toilet doesn't flush.  Instead of doing the reasonable thing, she picks her poop up out of the toilet.  She proceeds to wrap it up in toilet paper multiple times then does the unthinkable, puts it in her purse!  She leaves the bathroom and puts her purse several feet away from her and continues date with said guy.  Later, he uses the bathroom and fixes the toilet.  She finally has the chance to flush it and takes the opportunity.

I personally think this is a hoax because if someone is too bashful to tell a guy she pooped in his toilet, how could you suddenly grow balls and put it on Twitter??

Also, how is someone getting so much praise for something so utterly disgusting !! 😷😷

When I think of a "confident, calm, self-assured woman", this would honestly be the bottom of the list.  A "confident woman" would have enough about her to explain the situation without caring what the guy would say or do.

So if this ever happens to you(which it probably won't because I think it's fake), please, for the love of God, man up and take responsibility. 

To read the story for yourself, MTV Poop Story

Thanks for reading😏
Hope you aren't scarred😷
- Jessica💜


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