Monday, July 11, 2016

Society is Killing Us

     I have been watching our society in many ways and from many different angles, and I have come to one conclusion about it: it is killing us. The more I watch the news, the more I am amazed at how someone can do such horrible things to another human being. The more I log on to social media and see the public's reactions to said crimes worries me even more. After horrible crimes, we are so quick to play the blame game and attack others that we feel are the cause when that doesn't solve anything. It causes more and more violence. Violence cannot be solved with violence. All over my social media I have been seeing spectators blame such incidents on race, professional occupation, sexual orientation, gender, statistics, religion, political views, etc. But don't you realize that all that does is drives us further and further apart when we are supposed to be a nation United?
    We are literally a nation Divided, and all I see on social media is how everyone wants us to be a United nation again, and yet they're also the one's playing the blame game. I don't blame anyone for recent attacks. The only blame I see is in our society. The country is divided more now than it ever has been. There is more hate. There is more violence and hostility. There is more rebellion. Some would argue that it is due to this year's presidential election, and I could see that, but that's not where it is rooted from - not at all. This hate has been brewing for years. At least throughout the last decade. Black lives matter. White lives matter. Asian lives matter. Blue lives matter. Cat lives matter. All lives matter. We used to be "One Nation Under God" but now, we are One Nation Under the Death Penalty; because we are literally killing ourselves. You can agree to disagree, but I'm just calling it like I see it. As an American, for the love of God, please stop killing us. Please stop blaming.


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