Monday, April 4, 2016

CAMPAIGN 2016: A Reaction

The campaign has brought up several issues, just like the campaigns before it.  As always, a top issue, immigration is one of the make or break issues for a candidate.

This year so many people are focused on THE WALL Obviously, there are many opinions on this.  Some think it's the most brilliant idea, while others think it's the most absurd idea.
(I think we can all agree the funding part of this idea is ridiculous

The main reason I've seen people hate illegal aliens is because they believe their sole purpose is coming here to steal our jobs, women, and get all the free benefits.

Yes it is true they get some benefits that not everyone has the luxury of.   However, have you seen the jobs these people do for little to nothing?  Do you honestly think you would do the same jobs for the same pay?  Have you ever met an illegal in your life?

A couple of years ago, I had met quite a few that came through work.  It honestly hurt my heart to see how hard they were trying to understand but couldn't.  Has it ever occurred to you, while you sit there filled with disgust, that these people are just trying to provide a better life for their family? 

I don't have children, but if I did I believe I would do whatever it took to try to provide the best lifeI could for them.  

Every now and then you hear about an illegal who raped someone or kills someone in a wreck.  
There are bad apples in every bunch. 
No, I am not defending those who are bad people in any way or justifying anything.

Literally, look around you.  Everyone knows bad people.  Blaming all for some is ridiculous.

An illegal killing someone in a wreck could have just as easily been the person driving drunk, texting and driving, or even speeding

I do wish they would go through the system and do it the right way, but God gave us a heart and we should never hate someone just because we don't agree with how they live their lives.

That's the thing about life, it's full of choices.  Is yours always right?

-Jessica 💜


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