Wednesday, April 6, 2016



Mississippi Officials Pass New Law

(Photo: Google images)

       Mississippi made it legal to deny service to someone if they feel that person goes against their religious beliefs. Gov. Phil Bryant discussed the new law, which is effective July 1, and said it prevented "government from interfering with people of faith who are exercising their religious matters of marriage."
       The governor of Mississippi also stated the new law would not allow discrimination to anyone, specifying that:
           "This bill does not create one action against any class or group of people. It doesn't create a new action or a defense of an action against those people." (Source: USA Today)

Trump and Cruz Try to Force Kasich Out of the Presidential Race

(Photo: Google images)

       Donald Trump and Ted Cruz call on GOP candidate John Kasich to leave presidential race. The two candidates claim that Kasich is taking the votes away from their campaigns, extending the primary contest and possibly leading to a contested party convention. John Kasich has vowed to stay in the race. Trump made a statement that if Kasich drops out, he would automatically win the nomination. 

Alabama Politics

(Photo: Google images)
       Lawmakers have introduced a resolution to impeach Alabama governor, Robert Bentley, over affair allegations. Alabama State Representative Ed Henry stated in a press conference, the beginning of the impeachment process. (Source: MSNBC


(Photo: Google images)

       Samsung reportedly may introduce a foldable smartphone tablet. The company has already developed a prototype for a foldable 7-inch tablet that can turn into a 5-inch smartphone, currently being referred to as a 'smartlet,' according to the Korean tech outlet The Electronic Times.

What Do YOU Think??

       What do you think of the new law in Mississippi or anything else discussed? Leave your thoughts and views in the comments below!!! If there's anything I missed, shoot me an email. Be sure to like and subscribe to the blog, and browse around to see everything else we've ever done. Keep it safe, America.



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